Archive for the ‘Olympus’ Category

DHV training seminar with Olympic Wings

for tandem pilots & paragliding instructors 

with the DHV German Paragliding Federation members

Robin Frieß  DHV CEO
Peter Cröniger  DHV Education board
Simon Winkler  DHV Safety Technics Specialist

An Olympic Wings original idea that beautifully reached its main objective to transmit knowledge to pilots, tandem pilots and instructors in paragliding.
It is our team’s great joy to have presented this opportunity to pilots at our flying venue Mount Olympus.


Our paragliding center and school, operating since 1995, welcomes pilots and paragliding schools from all over the world, who we support and guide in our region Mt. Olympus and Greece for flying during paragliding holidays and our special paragliding events.

Thus we have gained a real time experience of the growing evolution in design and performance of the new gliders. This evolution offers to pilot’s maximum functionality with a minimum input yet presents with the need to revisit our techniques as pilots in glider handling and to acquire a better global understanding of equipment behavior more so to present to student pilots.



Many paragliding instructors from the top paragliding schools in Greece participated in the training seminar as much as professional tandem pilots.
Paragliding instructors gave the chance to some of their student pilots entering the sport to also follow the seminar giving them unique insights.
The Albanian Federation with its president Arket Islami and a team of pilots honored us by also attending the seminar course benefiting from this unique opportunity.



Our team Olympic Wings together with all seminar participants are very thankful to Mr. Robin Friess, Mr Peter Croeniger and Mr Simon Winkler for their time, deep consideration and efforts to make this training seminar possible and most rewarding.


We are more than satisfied to follow this short and elaborate course that contained theory, discussions, video analysis, video presentations and practice flights on modern techniques and safety recommendations that have been tested and researched with today’s modern gliders, harnesses and overall equipment.





DHV, Deutsche Hängegleiterverband e.V., the German Paragliding Federation, is one if not the most active paragliding country federation in the world with listed 40.000 active pilots and over 320 regional paragliding schools, clubs and associations under its roof.

They have supported our sport for many years mostly by collecting a lot of information, developing and testing many theories in paragliding to result to safety for the public as much as leisure pilots, performance pilots, professionals, schools and student pilots alike.


The past years the federation has made many steps forward to the direction of examining new gliders in relation to pilot’s skills with safety classifications, activity and equipment safety issues in general, educational methods that correspond to the latest tendencies and more.

During the training course these findings were presented to us with openness and simplicity offering reassurance by creating a clear view perspective on efficiency and safety.


XC Seminar with Michael Nesler and Gudrun Oechsl

Long Distance Flying ..

The ultimate Endeavor of the modern Pilot 

02.06  to  09.06.2018   Mount Olympus   Greece
Cross Country XC seminar for paragliding pilots 

with Michael Nesler & Gudrun Oechsl


This XC seminar aims to allow the progression of paragliding pilots to perform better at long distance flying by receiving up-to-date knowledge and usefull guidance.


XC seminar topics:  
  • Tips to help you climb fast and efficiently
  • Tips & guidance for take off techniques with stronger wind
  • The importance of preparing your gear & how to adjust your harness correctly
  • Insights into paragliding design – What does the modern design features mean to the XC pilot
  • In-depth guides to flying the flatlands and mountains
  • Skills and tactics to help you fly bigger cross country distances
  • Advice to keep you safe while flying near clouds and terrain
  • Straight-forward illustrations to help you maximize flying conditions
  • Simple explanations of diverse wind and thermal flow patterns and structures
  • Psychological techniques to help you perform at your best
  • Introduction and establishment of pilot levels
  • Review of pilot equipment
  • Area briefing and weather
  • Daily tasks and group flights with radio
  • Daily debrief on individual and group basis
  • Final assessment and summary
about Michael Nesler & Gudrun Oechsl:


Michael Nesler, born in Italy, an FIVL and Austrian Aeroclub paragliding instructor since 1987 further a SIV instructor, a well known acrobatics pilot and instructor, also a pioneer glider designer.

Designer for : AFM, Bicla, Edel, Eiffel, Freestyle, Icaro, Independence, Firebird, Fun-Air, Kimfly, Perché, Profly, Wings of Change and more.


Till this day he passed over 250 homologation tests successfully, designed and tested by himself over 1000 glider prototypes!


Gudrun Oechsl is a DHV lisenced paragliding instructor and SIV instructor, test- and approval pilot for DHV the german paragliding authority, photographer, author and marketing specialist.

Michael and Gudrun are active members of the PROFLY – Professional Flying Team – with Michael as the founder of this venture in 2002. Together with a team of very capable instructors they offer exclusive and individual permormance flying camps and safety trainings for advanced pilots.



They have published significant books on paragliding as well as several articles in the international paragliding press.


Most important Michael is a gifted computer programmer who has custom written and developed 3-D modeling and manufacturing software for flexible membrane structures, such as paragliders and parachutes. He has designed ram air inflated wings ranging from student canopies to award-winning competition paragliders, and holds several patents of ram-air wings.


A great contribution to paragliding among his achievements is the computer program he developed specifically for paraglider design. It was initially created in 1986 on an IBM 8086 and had been continuously developed since then. It is the most used computer program for paraglider design, available now for Silicon Graphics platforms and for balloon and foil-kite development.
Some of the companies known to be using this software are: Area, Swing, Madreiter, SOL, Edel, UP Europe, AFM, Paratech, Independence, Perche, and Atair Aerodynamics.





We are excited to see them in Greece, at Mount Olympus, flying with us and sharing their knowledge and experience with us in a refreshing way that will motivate us to fly better & further.


Mount Olympus is the highest mountain range in Greece with its highest peak Mytikas at 2.917 m. The south western area of the mountain has fantastic cross country and thermalling conditions. The large flatland area of Thessaly towards the south offers a big potential for open distance and triangle XC flights. A challenging flight is the cross country towards the Aegean Sea on the eastern side of Olympus with a beach landing.    


The main take-off for the XC seminar is located on the western side of Mount Olympus, on top of the village Kalivia. It is called Tourtofolia and provides take-off directions towards west, south and east at a height of 1.250 m. Several paragliding and hanggliding competitions up to world cup level have been organized here already.  


Alternative take-offs nearby are KEOAX, Elassona, Kalipefki.



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Olympic Wings organizes the XC seminar at Mount Olympus and offers accommodation and all transfers during the flying days for the pilots taking part at the seminar.  

All necessary retrievals from XC flights are included in the transfers.  

The pilots accommodation is located in the area close to the flying site with short drives to the take-off.  


You can book the XC seminar together with your accommodation and transfers directly through Olympic Wings.  


For bookings and any further information please contact us.  

Olympic Wings
Paragliding Center & Paragliding Holidays in Greece
tel.: +30-23520-41741  
Stelios mobile: +30-6942215980