Chris Geist – the specialist’s week!

Olympic Wings offers Flight Techniques * Thermalling * first steps to XC

with Chris Geist

from 11.05. to 18.05.2019

This technical seminar aims to fulfill and train paragliding pilots who wish to improve their overall flying abilities and technical skills performance, during all of the flight stages and by the different kinds of flight.


The goal is… to get a complete and comprehensive set of up-to-date practical knowledge while training your awareness so to adapt a “tactical act” and “reliable react” mechanism to your flying style.
A blend of theory and practice, useful illustrations, daily plan and dialogue, with plenty of airtime will boost your confidence just in time for the start of the flying season!


Every situation, from an – easy conditions and terrain – take off to the moments of big decision making while flying XC, require a clean solid technique yet adaptive to several key factors like the weather and flight conditions, your equipment, your abilities and your mindset.
We will revisit the basic aviation-in-paragliding rules while making the necessary remarks to give pilots a better understanding and a better sense of control to your flight experience.

The workshop will focus on:
  • Fine tuning to your take-off and landing technique.
  • Thermalling techniques for efficiency.
  • Techniques for active piloting, glider control and training your awareness.
  • Advice on safety.
  • Technical tipps for XC pilots and performance flying as an evolving process.
  • Useful features in modern gliders and flying equipment.
  • Mental preparation & pilot psychology.
  • Introduction and establishment of pilot levels
  • Review of pilot equipment
  • Area briefing and weather
  • Daily exercises and group flights with radio
  • Theory and Video Analysis sessions
  • Daily debrief on individual and group basis
  • Final assessment and summary


About Chris Geist:

Chris is a very capable paragliding pilot and acro pilot, moreover an active paragliding instructor further widely recognized as an experienced paragliding safety-instructor.


He has extensive knowledge on the flying performance of a variety of paragliders and has done numerous of glider reviews for official organizations, safety training purposes and paragliding fan pilots.



He is an official test pilot for Ozone manufacturing company, further for certification organizations like ParaTest and the German paragliding federation DHV.


Chris is also a senior FAI judge for acrobatics competitions.


In 2004 he got his degree in forestry and environmental protection.
Between 2004 and 2006 he had a professional position in paragliding working for Airwave Stubaital as a test pilot also in sales and web design.




In 2007 he officially cooperated with Swing in glider development also was working as a test pilot for the Swiss certification organization ParaTest and the european EARP.


Since 2008 he operates successfully his own paragliding school the Paragliding Academy as one of the biggest schools in Germany with an excellent performance rating in safety training, flying trips and paragliding training for pilots.

Here is a link to the video of his Safety Training program Presentation on stage at the Thermik exhibition 2018 in Stuttgart Germany.



Mount Olympus, the mythical mountain is the highest in Greece with its highest peak Mytikas at 2.917 m. Our flying area covers the three mountains of Pieria, Olympus in the north and Ossa / Kissavos in the south, these mountains form a longer range parallel to the coastline of the Aegean Sea that is separated by lower and higher altitude impressive valleys.

The south western area of the mountain has fantastic cross country and thermalling conditions. The large flatland area of Thessaly towards the south offers a big potential for open distance and triangle XC flights.
The eastern area of the mountain expands to the sea and enables us to combine coastal dynamic flying with thermalling. A challenging and unique flight is the cross country from the west side of Olympus through the mountains towards east to the sea with a beach landing.


During the seminar we will be alternating take-off points amongst the many flying sites existing while matching the weather conditions and following the seminar progress.


Olympic Wings organizes the workshop at Mount Olympus and offers accommodation and all transfers during the flying days for the pilots taking part at the seminar.
The pilots accommodation is located in one of the areas close to one of the flying sites with short drives to the take-off.
You can book the TQ seminar together with your accommodation and transfers directly through Olympic Wings.
For bookings and any further information please contact us.

Olympic Wings
Paragliding Center & Paragliding Holidays in Greece
tel.: +30-23520-41741
Stelios mobile: +30-6942215980



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Nice coastal soaring at Peloponnese, very sexy winter conditions! ... Mehr sehenWeniger sehen

Nice coastal soaring at Peloponnese, very sexy winter conditions!Image attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment
1 month ago

... Mehr sehenWeniger sehen

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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