Artikel-Schlagworte: „flying holidays“

Olympos XC Seminar

Olympic Wings invites you to our

Original ‚Olympic Wings edition‘ Olympos XC seminar

from 31.08. to 07.09.2019

XC seminar topics:
  • Heaps of tips to help you climb fast and efficiently
  • Psychological techniques to help you perform at your best
  • In-depth guides to flying the flatlands and mountains
  • Advice to keep you safe while flying near clouds and terrain
  • Skills and tactics to help you fly bigger cross country distances
  • Straight-forward illustrations to help you maximize flying conditions
  • Simple explanations of diverse wind and thermal flow patterns and structures
  • Insights into paragliding design. What does the modern design features mean to the XC pilot
  • Introduction and establishment of pilot levels
  • Review of pilot equipment
  • Area briefing and weather
  • Daily tasks and group flights with radio
  • Daily debrief on individual and group basis
  • Final assessment and summary
About Stelios & Claudia:

The Olympic Wings chief instructors with years of experience in organizing group flying seminars for the progression of XC pilots are certified professionals in paragliding and active pilots themselves for more than 20 years.


Read more about us!


Mount Olympus is the highest mountain range in Greece with its highest peak Mytikas at 2.917 m. The south western area of the mountain has fantastic cross country and thermalling conditions. The large flatland area of Thessaly towards the south offers a big potential for open distance and triangle XC flights. A challenging flight is the cross country towards the Aegean Sea on the eastern side of Olympus with a beach landing.


The main take-off for the XC seminar is located on the western side of Mount Olympus, on top of the village Kalivia. It is called Tourtofolia and provides take-off directions towards west, south and east at a height of 1.250 m. Several paragliding and hanggliding competitions up to world cup level have been organized here already.


Alternative take-offs nearby are KEOAX, Elassona, Kalipefki.



Olympic Wings organizes the XC seminar at Mount Olympus and offers accommodation and all transfers during the flying days for the pilots taking part at the seminar.


All necessary retrievals from XC flights are included in the transfers.


The pilots accommodation is located in an area close to a local flying site with short drives to the take-off.


You can book the XC seminar together with your accommodation and transfers directly through Olympic Wings.



For bookings and any further information please contact us.

Olympic Wings
Paragliding Center & Paragliding Holidays in Greece
tel.: +30-23520-41741
Stelios mobile: +30-6942215980

North Greece Flying Safari

from 08. to 15. June 2019

Come to fly the sensational Northern Greece high mountains!

In 2019 the North Greece Flying Safari will take place right before the Olympic Wings XC seminar with Ronny Helgesen for the pilots that wish to continue flying and improve their skills with us.





Olympic Wings offers the North Greece Flying Safari to give pilots the experience of paragliding at the most fascinating flying sites of the central and North mountains in Greece.


We have selected climate and geo diverse flying sites of the mountains in the north of Greece that have been chosen by pilots from all over Europe for their interesting conditions and beautiful landscapes.


Fantastic thermal conditions with diverse geological aspects and great XC possibilities at all of the sites.








We will not only take you between take offs and landings but most important support you from our own experience of competition and XC flying in the areas with key information to understand and make the best use of the local weather systems and route options always with safety.


We can ensure you will enjoy your days flying at the different sites, improve your skills and meet the challenges of each and every flight.



Diesen Beitrag weiterlesen »

Nice moments – Paragliding Holidays at Olympus and more!


Paragliding Holidays at Olympus!


Paragliding Holidays with Olympic Wings at Olympus!

Great Paragliding Holidays at Mount Olympus with Olympic Wings!


Impressions from the Olympic Wings XC Seminar with Michael Nesler and Gudrun Oechsl



Here are the impressions from our XC Seminar this June with our guest paragliding professionals Michael Nesler & Gudrun Oechsl.


A great occasion to happily greet and warmly welcome like always many paragliding pilots that joined our seminar, to push their boundaries and earn healthy experience in XC flying with our support.





The Olympic Wings venue Mount Olympus with it’s impressive valleys – high mountain plateaus – vast flatlands – Aegean Sea coastline once again gave us interesting conditions, amazing views, beautiful clouds and strong thermals; all of which the pilots conquered in their time in the sky.


Amongst enjoying the traditional scenery and hospitality of our region in Greece, a flexible everyday schedule was drafted containing a mixture of Theory and Practise, with daily meticulous weather forecast and topography briefing sessions.


Michael and Gudrun checked the equipment of every pilot, implementing the knowledge behind their book „The Missing Link“ that reads into detail on harness setting in combination to pilot potitioning in flight with awareness of the pilot-to-glider equilibrium.


Thermalling techniques theory sessions on body potitioning and thermal tracking in the sky, even take off and landing tips for the lower airtime pilots.
Meteorology subjects discussions from clouds to wind systems on recognizing, mapping and utilizing the flying conditions.


An interesting theory session on Mental Preparation and Mental Attidute in flying by Michael Nesler was proven to be very succesful to the pilots who then later proceeded to having incredible flights.


It was an active flying week of many pilots from all over the world coming together, sharing their experience in the sky, cheering eachother and each taking his/her next steps into paragliding better.


We thank Michael and Gudrun for their time with us.


We thank all the pilots for flying safe and choosing to fly with Olympic Wings!


Greetings to all
the Olympic Wings Team


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DHV Paragliding Seminar for Instructors, Tandem Pilots & Pilots

Olympic Wings exclusively offers a DHV Seminar

16.03. to 18.03.2018 Mount Olympus, Greece

for paragliding instructors, tandem pilots & pilots
in forms of an elaborate workshop with the German paragliding federation instructors 

Robin Frieß – DHV CEO
Peter Cröniger – DHV Education board
Simon Winkler – DHV Safety Technics Specialist



Theory & Practice

During the 3 workshop days of the seminar the participants will train and educate themselves in matters of flying techniques, teaching methods, professional conduct and paragliding evolution.

Paragliding instructors, tandem pilot & pilots workshop participants will gain up-to-date technical knowledge and DHV methodology in order to built up their skills and abilities.

About DHV and the seminar initiators:

DHV – Deutsche Hängegleiterverband e.V.  the official Paragliding and Hanggliding Federation in Germany.
This federation is one of the largest worldwide bringing together and organizing the flying activity for 39.000 pilots and 320 regional associations in Paragliding and Hanggliding.
Throughout the years DHV has deligated knowledgable people and rensposible departments in the various sections and aspects concerning the Sport & the Free Flying Activity.
Departments that research, organize, evaluate and regulate flying equipment, education, training and licensing as much as airspace, flying sites, competitions, clubs and schools under an official conformity in Germany with one golden task objective that of maximum safety.
The federation self portraits “ The DHV stands as a pilot association for joy in hanggliding and paragliding and for the freedom of this flying sport, in openness and responsibility towards man and nature.“


This year 2018 in Greece we will have a very special opportunity to meet with appointed members of the federation, paragliding instructors and experienced pilots themselves who have joined the DHV efforts to regulate aspects of the activity and make it safer for free flyers.
They will share their knowledge and practical experience in theory and practise as it works for the DHV federation pilots and mostly significant for DHV Tandem Pilots and DHV Paragliding Instructors.


Olympic Wings is happy to welcome:


Robin Frieß, DHV managing director CEO
Since 1.3.2017, Robin Frieß has been selected between 42 very capable, high-caliber candidates as the Managing Director CEO of the DHV German Paragliding and Hangliding Federation.
He has university studies in business and further has cooperated with the DHV instructors team.
A pilot since 2001, a paragliding instructor and the previous owner of Chiemsee Flugschule a highly respected paragliding school in Germany.
The organizer of the 2015 Red Bull  X ALPS  WARM UP competition in Aschau.


Robin Frieß aus Rosenheim wird ab 1. März 2017 die Geschäftsführung des DHV übernehmen. In einem intensiven Auswahlverfahren hat die DHV Vorstandschaft zusammen mit der Unternehmensberatung E. Sing & Partner unter den 42 hochkarätigen Bewerbern einstimmig den bisherigen Inhaber der Flugschule Chiemsee ausgewählt. Robin Frieß ist kraft seiner Persönlichkeit, aufgrund seines Studiums der Betriebswirtschaft und seiner langjährigen Erfahrung als Fluglehrer und Mitglied des DHV Lehrteams eine ideale Besetzung. Die DHV Vorstandschaft entschied gleichzeitig, Björn Klaassen zum stellvertretenden Geschäftsführer zu ernennen und mit der Wahrnehmung behördlicher Aufgaben zu betrauen. Diese zusätzliche Verantwortung wird Björn Klaassen neben der Leitung des Referats Flugbetrieb/Gelände/Luftraum wahrnehmen. Klaus Tänzler, der seit 1996 die Geschäftsstelle leitet, wird zum 1. März 2017 in den verdienten Ruhestand treten.


Peter Cröniger, DHV Education Board

Born in 1955, a Lufthansa-Pilot by profession.
Flying instructor and examiner in Hanggliding and Paragliding.
Member of the DHV federation team of education.


Fluglehrer und Prüfer für Drachen- und Gleitschirmfliegen, DHV-Lehrteam




Simon Winkler, DHV practical paragliding instructor’s instructor and technical examiner
Born in 1991, a paragliding and safety instructor by profession since 2009.

The DHV practical paragliding instructor’s instructor and technical examiner since 2013. Test pilot for the safety class nomination by DHV. Pilot in the flight safety video series released by DHV.
Since 2015 he has initiated 10-14 SIV safety courses each year for many paragliding schools.
Competition pilot in the Acrobatics Worldcup since 2010, celebrating a place in the first 10 the past years 2015 and 2016.
A cross country, speed flying, acro and hike&fly pilot that was intruduced to the sport by his father at the age of 14 yo.



Ich bin 1991 in der Oberpfalz und somit im Flachland von Deutschland geboren. Durch meinen Vater, welcher begeisterter Drachen- und mittlerweile auch Gleitschirmflieger ist, bin ich bereits mit der leichten Fliegerei aufgewachsen. Dabei begann alles mit Modellsegelfliegen und Groundhandling mit dem Gleitschirm. Seit 2005 fliege ich Gleitschirm (Hang und Winde) und genieße jede einzelne Facette dieses tollen Luftsports. Nach meinem Abitur zog ich nach Österreich und begann dort ab 2009 als Fluglehrer zu arbeiten. Neben meinem Tourismusstudium in Innsbruck, welches ich 2015 abschloss, arbeitete ich für mehrere Flugschulen als Sicherheitstrainer. Bis heute leite ich etwa 10-14 Sicherheitstrainings pro Jahr. Seit 2013 arbeite ich fest beim DHV als praktischer Fluglehrerausbilder und technischer Prüfer. 
Nebenbei trete ich seit 2010 im Gleitschirm Akrobatik Weltcup an und konnte dort 2015 und 2016 meine besten Wettkampfsaisonen mit einer Top 10 Platzierung im Gesamtergebnis feiern. Des Weiteren fliege ich begeistert Strecke, Speedflyer und im Herbst gehe ich gerne auf eine gemütliche Hike & Fly Tour. Wenn es mal nicht zum Fliegen geht, verbringe ich am liebsten meine Zeit auf den Skiern oder im Sommer auf meinem Moutainbike.


Olympic Wings organizes this DHV seminar at Mount Olympus and offers selected accommodation for the pilots and professionals taking part at the seminar.  

The pilots accommodation is located in the area close to the flying site with short drives to the take-off.  Further in the same hall location for the theoretical discussions.


You can book the DHV seminar together with your accommodation and transfers directly through Olympic Wings.  

For bookings and any further information please contact us.  

Olympic Wings
Paragliding Center & Paragliding Holidays in Greece
tel.: +30-23520-41741  
Stelios mobile: +30-6942215980