Paramotor & Trike with Skydance

Olympic Wings offers a Paramotor & Trike course with Skydance

April 2015 at the seaside of Mount Olympus in Greece.

12.04. & 13.04. advanced course
14.04. – 19.04. beginner training
advanced course topics & what we gonna do:
  • Groundhandling and I watch and film
  • I let them do a flight and I look what can be better or different
  • Starting and landing technique – strong wind and less wind
  • We will speak about the advantages of reflex wings and the pro and contra’s
  • Navigation task
  • Play element for testing the skills
  • General questions from the pilots


about Skydance Paramotorsport

Skydance is an officially recognized KNVvL paramotor school / flight school, found from the beginning when the paramotor flying has become legal. So we provide complete training in the Netherlands and abroad, from beginner to the independent paramotor pilot. In addition to flying with a back motor, we offer you the trike to fly too.


Jurg van der Vlies

I am 43 years old and fly paramotor and paragliding from 1998. In 2001 I started a paramotorschool in Holland and was the chairman of the Dutch Paramotor Association for 3 years – in the time that the paramotorsport started to become legal in Holland. So I was at the craddle of the sport from the beginning here.
I did train more then 400 paramotor pilots in Holland. Also I trained the first 4 paramotor pilots in Suriname, South America and took part to educate the first paramotor trike pilot in Norway as well.
I followed SIV courses, have my first aid certification and I fly also delta trikes and boats.
2 years ago I followed a course of the world champion Pascal Vallee and from that moment I started to train more experienced pilots – also because there was a need for it.

4 years ago I gave up paragliding and my job to follow my heart and went into the paramotor scene as a professional.



For bookings and any further information please contact us.


Olympic Wings

Paragliding Center & Paragliding Holidays in Greece




tel.: +30-23520-41741


Stelios mobile: +30-6942215980






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Amazing day for our guests nice thermals! ... See MoreSee Less

Amazing day for our guests nice thermals!Image attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

Nice thermals flying for hours in Elassona today! ... See MoreSee Less

Nice thermals flying for hours in Elassona today!Image attachmentImage attachment+4Image attachment

An other super day flying in Thessaly! ... See MoreSee Less

An other super day flying in Thessaly!Image attachmentImage attachment+8Image attachment

1 CommentComment on Facebook

How much a guided week cost? I would love to fly with Zeus and Hera! :D XCharisto Para Poli! :D

Beautiful flights with soaring at Olympus today! ... See MoreSee Less

Beautiful flights with soaring at Olympus today!Image attachmentImage attachment+6Image attachment

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Ο καλύτερος.!!!

Nice flights to the beach! ... See MoreSee Less

Nice flights to the beach!Image attachmentImage attachment+5Image attachment

1 CommentComment on Facebook

Hello where is the spot ?

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