Posts Tagged ‘Paragliding Greece’

Olympic Wings special paragliding events in 2019


Flying Announcement Poster 2019 for Paragliding Special Events organized and offered in Greece by Olympic Wings.


XC seminar with Ronny Helgesen and the Olympic Wings edition XC Olympos
Flying Safaris across the top flying sites of North Greece 
Flight Techniques and first steps to cross country distance flying with Chris Geist
Groundhandling and Glider Control training with Mike Kueng

Tandem pilot paragliding course & APPI level 3 4 5 qualifications workshop course


Designed with the concept to offer pilots important flying experiences,

build their knowledge base and have a lot of fun!


Ronny Helgesen – XC seminar

Olympic Wings offers an exclusive XC seminar

with Ronny Helgesen

from 15.06. to 22.06.2019

XC seminar topics:
  • Active flying – the way to avoid glider collapses
  • How to fly together – flying with other pilots
  • Controlling your flying speed
  • Safety while flying on a cross country
  • Advice to keep you safe while flying near clouds and terrain
  • Reserve parachute – Advise on how to use it and what to do
  • Tips to help you climb fast and efficiently
  • Psychological techniques to help you perform at your best
  • In-depth guides to flying the flatlands and mountains
  • Skills and tactics to help you fly bigger cross country distances
  • Straight-forward illustrations to help you maximize flying conditions
  • Simple explanations of diverse wind and thermal flow patterns and structures
  • Insights into modern gliders – what do the modern design features mean to the XC pilot


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Chris Geist – the specialist’s week!

Olympic Wings offers Flight Techniques * Thermalling * first steps to XC

with Chris Geist

from 11.05. to 18.05.2019

This technical seminar aims to fulfill and train paragliding pilots who wish to improve their overall flying abilities and technical skills performance, during all of the flight stages and by the different kinds of flight.


The goal is… to get a complete and comprehensive set of up-to-date practical knowledge while training your awareness so to adapt a “tactical act” and “reliable react” mechanism to your flying style.
A blend of theory and practice, useful illustrations, daily plan and dialogue, with plenty of airtime will boost your confidence just in time for the start of the flying season!


Every situation, from an – easy conditions and terrain – take off to the moments of big decision making while flying XC, require a clean solid technique yet adaptive to several key factors like the weather and flight conditions, your equipment, your abilities and your mindset.
We will revisit the basic aviation-in-paragliding rules while making the necessary remarks to give pilots a better understanding and a better sense of control to your flight experience.

The workshop will focus on:
  • Fine tuning to your take-off and landing technique.
  • Thermalling techniques for efficiency.
  • Techniques for active piloting, glider control and training your awareness.
  • Advice on safety.
  • Technical tipps for XC pilots and performance flying as an evolving process.
  • Useful features in modern gliders and flying equipment.
  • Mental preparation & pilot psychology.
  • Introduction and establishment of pilot levels
  • Review of pilot equipment
  • Area briefing and weather
  • Daily exercises and group flights with radio
  • Theory and Video Analysis sessions
  • Daily debrief on individual and group basis
  • Final assessment and summary


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Olympos XC Seminar

Olympic Wings invites you to our

Original ‘Olympic Wings edition’ Olympos XC seminar

from 31.08. to 07.09.2019

XC seminar topics:
  • Heaps of tips to help you climb fast and efficiently
  • Psychological techniques to help you perform at your best
  • In-depth guides to flying the flatlands and mountains
  • Advice to keep you safe while flying near clouds and terrain
  • Skills and tactics to help you fly bigger cross country distances
  • Straight-forward illustrations to help you maximize flying conditions
  • Simple explanations of diverse wind and thermal flow patterns and structures
  • Insights into paragliding design. What does the modern design features mean to the XC pilot
  • Introduction and establishment of pilot levels
  • Review of pilot equipment
  • Area briefing and weather
  • Daily tasks and group flights with radio
  • Daily debrief on individual and group basis
  • Final assessment and summary

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North Greece Flying Safari

from 08. to 15. June 2019

Come to fly the sensational Northern Greece high mountains!

In 2019 the North Greece Flying Safari will take place right before the Olympic Wings XC seminar with Ronny Helgesen for the pilots that wish to continue flying and improve their skills with us.





Olympic Wings offers the North Greece Flying Safari to give pilots the experience of paragliding at the most fascinating flying sites of the central and North mountains in Greece.


We have selected climate and geo diverse flying sites of the mountains in the north of Greece that have been chosen by pilots from all over Europe for their interesting conditions and beautiful landscapes.


Fantastic thermal conditions with diverse geological aspects and great XC possibilities at all of the sites.








We will not only take you between take offs and landings but most important support you from our own experience of competition and XC flying in the areas with key information to understand and make the best use of the local weather systems and route options always with safety.


We can ensure you will enjoy your days flying at the different sites, improve your skills and meet the challenges of each and every flight.





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Tandem Pilot Paragliding Course

Olympic Wings offers exclusive TANDEM paragliding courses to pilots

who wish to learn how to fly with passengers safely.

from 30.03. to 06.04.2019



Tandem paragliding course points:
  • Official maximized safety standards
  • Technical and tactical flying of a tandem glider
  • Tandem equipment functionality – Weight range & Speed range
  • Psychological techniques to help you perform at your best
  • Guides to prepare and manage passenger responses
  • Professional tandem paragliding class steps


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