Posts Tagged ‘trike’

Ben makes us smile! Happy trike pilot memories with Olympic Wings!

Paramotor & Trike holidays with Olympic Wings..  

Flying at the beach with Mount Olympus peaks in snow backdrop keeps the camera busy!

Thank you Ben for sharing with us… Fantastic picture on the wall !!


Paramotor & Trike pilots having fun at the coast of the Aegean sea by the Olympus mountain – beginner course and beautiful XC coastal flights week 3

Paramotor & Trike pilots having fun at the coast of the Aegean sea by the Olympus mountain – beginner course and beautiful XC coastal flights week 2

Paramotor & Trike pilots having fun at the coast of the Aegean sea by the Olympus mountain – beginner course and beautiful XC coastal flights week 1

(English) Paramotor & Trike course with Skydance

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