Mike Küng at Olympus!

Olympic Wings offers a Groundhandling & Glider Control seminar

with Mike Küng

from 13.04. to 20.04.2019

This Groundhandling & Glider Control seminar aims to pilots who wish to reconnect with their gliders and lock a solid ‚piloting skills‘ base by training correctly and gaining a clear understanding of the complete potential of their flying gear.


Groundhandling can be groundbreaking to a pilot’s progress, no matter their level of experience. It is essentially the only practice method, necessary to revisit time after time, for one to discover and utilize all of the glider’s abilities and with safety.
Training your feeling, your cognition, your reflexes and your physical inputs will broaden the spectrum of control with your own glider and enable you to familiarize faster and better with any new glider you fly!


The goal is to discover how a paraglider should really be handled and how it should react to your intentions.
The next step is establishing the reasons behind a glider’s incident behavior and any deviations from it.

We will give you answers and demonstrate several techniques applicable to the take off procedure as much as landing as much as all flight stages, which you will then implement yourself in real time action, so together we can work on adapting them to your flying style.


A blend of intense exercises on the ground and in the air, clear theory presentations and live demonstrations, daily targets and open dialogue, with plenty of airtime will optimize your flying sensations just in time for the start of the flying season!

The seminar will focus on:
  • Establishing several reliable take-off techniques.
  • Evolve your take-off / landing technique.
  • Adaptive techniques of thermalling and dynamic flying.
  • Tipps for active piloting and safety in flight.
  • Points of consideration when changing equipment and/or upgrading.
  • Facts on glider new designs and equipment features.
  • Introduction and establishment of pilot levels
  • Review of pilot equipment
  • Area briefing and weather
  • Groundhandling sessions on grassy fields
  • Day2day targets and group flights with radio
  • Daily debrief on individual and group basis
  • Final assessment and summary


About Mike Küng:

Mike or Mad Mike is a talented paragliding pilot also a famous professional acrobatics pilot from Austria, who has won the ongoing interest of the entire paragliding community by performing extraordinary flying tasks.


He presents great achievements in his flying career by providing essential input for glider development being the test pilot for a number of designers and further a test pilot for the EARP and DHV.


He co-developed the book Acrobatics, a first and thorough publication on aerobatic paragliding. He posts on the cover performing a perfect infinity tumbling and further through the book’s chapters discussing acro and demonstrating a number of maneuvers for the purpose of education to acro pilots from all over the world.


He is owner of the altitude flight world record: on April 30th in 2004, he jumped from a height of 10.100 m. with his paraglider from a hot air balloon.

He landed in a Ferrari convertible on 25.04.2008, after jumping from a Zeppelin NT flying 300m above Lake Constance.
Mike also jumped out of the former airship hangar of Cargolifter AG.
Other ventures include crossing the English Channel and jumps from flying helicopters, mountain railways and bridges.


This day he is referred to as “the master of groundhandling” due to the vast media exposure of his fascinating skills in handling all types of gliders under extreme conditions or at impressive remote locations. 


He is in close collaboration with the new glider manufacture company Phi by Hannes Papesh and together they develop promising designs while spreading their enthusiasm.






Mount Olympus, the mythical mountain is the highest in Greece with its highest peak Mytikas at 2.917 m. Our flying area covers the three mountains of Pieria, Olympus in the north and Ossa / Kissavos in the south, these mountains form a longer range parallel to the coastline of the Aegean Sea that is separated by lower and higher altitude impressive valleys.

The south western area of the mountain has fantastic cross country and thermalling conditions. The large flatland area of Thessaly towards the south offers a big potential for open distance and triangle XC flights.
The eastern area of the mountain expands to the sea and enables us to combine coastal dynamic flying with thermalling. A challenging and unique flight is the cross country from the west side of Olympus through the mountains towards east to the sea with a beach landing.


During the seminar we will be alternating take-off points amongst the many flying sites existing while matching the weather conditions and following the daily exercises as they progress.


Groundhandling sessions will take place at clean and clear several locations, each near a dedicated flying site.


Olympic Wings organizes the Groundhandling & Glider Control seminar at Mount Olympus and offers accommodation and all transfers during the flying days for the pilots taking part at the seminar.
The pilots accommodation is located in one of the areas close to one of the flying sites with short drives to the take-off.
You can book the GGC seminar together with your accommodation and transfers directly through Olympic Wings.
For bookings and any further information please contact us.

Olympic Wings
Paragliding Center & Paragliding Holidays in Greece
email: info@olympicwings.com
tel.: +30-23520-41741
Stelios mobile: +30-6942215980



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Amazing day for our guests nice thermals! ... Mehr sehenWeniger sehen

Amazing day for our guests nice thermals!Image attachmentImage attachment+2Image attachment

Nice thermals flying for hours in Elassona today! ... Mehr sehenWeniger sehen

Nice thermals flying for hours in Elassona today!Image attachmentImage attachment+4Image attachment

An other super day flying in Thessaly! ... Mehr sehenWeniger sehen

An other super day flying in Thessaly!Image attachmentImage attachment+8Image attachment

1 KommentarComment on Facebook

How much a guided week cost? I would love to fly with Zeus and Hera! :D XCharisto Para Poli! :D

Beautiful flights with soaring at Olympus today! ... Mehr sehenWeniger sehen

Beautiful flights with soaring at Olympus today!Image attachmentImage attachment+6Image attachment

1 KommentarComment on Facebook

Ο καλύτερος.!!!

Nice flights to the beach!Image attachmentImage attachment+5Image attachment

1 KommentarComment on Facebook

Hello where is the spot ?

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