Posts Tagged ‘North Greece’

XC seminar with Bruce Goldsmith and Olympic Wings – Mount Olympus August 2014

Sport Avia with Dima and his pilots on paragliding holidays at Mount Olympus Mai 2014

Winter Flying at the Little Church Olympus – a nice thermalling day with soaring at the castle

A great video by Jörg from Flugschule Chiemsee


Paragliding Holidays at Mount Olympos in Greece – a video from Jörg from his trip with the paragliding school Chiemsee in October 2013.



29. September 2013 Sikourio Mount Kissavos Greece – Paradise Club, Kirsten & Wolfgang from Tegelberg, Christian & Sebastian


27. September 2013 Little Church Olympus Greece – Flugschule Tegelberg, Wolfram with friends, Paradise Club and Shelenkov School