Renato and his friends from Switzerland – October 2012


A great paragliding week with interesting thermalling and XC flights around Mount Olympus.


The Swiss pilots flew from almost all our sites: Little Church, Krania, Litohoro, Kalivia, Sikourio and Kalipefki.


On some days they flew from three different take-offs, following the sun from east to west.


All pictures by Renato Berner, thank you!



Renato made with his pictures a great documentation of his three cross country flights:


  • from Krania back to the beach of Neos Panteleimonas – a morning flight from an eastern take-off along the north east side of Kato Olympus
  • from Kalivia at the south side of the main mountain of Olympus along the valley of Karia – here he reached the sea side of the mountain on top of the cloud base – until the beach of Leptokaria next to the hotel
  • from Sikourio in Kissavos mountain he crossed the valley of Tembi with great views until the sea and on the river Pinios below



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